virtual set is Graphic studio design which allows the background to be played in real-time. You can add virtual set Behind the people in your video into a newsroom, sport, or Any TV production.

To use a virtual set All you need to make a green screen or blue screen Video and replace the color with some video editing software, and a few tips and tricks

Software Media like (adobe premiere, after effect, final cut), or using live streaming software (VmixWirecastOBSTricaster).

Virtual set :
  • Quicker and easier to set up.
  • Create your own virtual set or select one from a variety of professionally custom made sets.
  • You can quickly switch digital sets when you want to.
  • You can add people to your videos as though they are on the set with you.
Computer graphics are now able to render scenes with incredible realism.  Let us help you create your custom virtual set. Contact us today at [email protected], You can order our free Video from our store.